This is rare because we give you antibiotics. You also have a good blood supply to your face which makes infection less likely.
Bruised nerve
The nerve that runs through the centre of your lower jaw supplies
feeling to your lower lip, chin and bottom teeth. You might feel
some tingling or numbness in your lip and/or chin if this nerve was
bruised when you broke your jaw or during your operation. This
tingling may be caused by or made worse by surgery. The numbness usually disappears on its own, but this can take several months, or may be permanent.
Damaged teeth
Sometimes the teeth next to the break can be damaged by the screws we use to fix it or by the fracture. You may need to have
these teeth removed.
Bleeding from the cuts inside your mouth. You should be able to
stop this if you press against the wound with a rolled up handkerchief or swab for at least 10 minutes.